Pro’s and Con’s of Travel Ball and Little League Ball By Coach Tim Wampler Playing in both Little League and travel ball can be a great experience for a player. On the one hand, it’s great to have the opportunity to play in a competitive environment and learn important...
Read MoreBeing an Explosive Hitter By Coach Tim Wampler The primary purpose of being a coach is to inspire excellence in your athletes. Training athletes to have an Explosive Swing with power and a high batting average has some unique challenges. First, as a player and as a coach,...
Read MoreDIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN INFIELD GLOVE & OUTFIELD GLOVE By Coach Tim Wampler Infielders and outfielders play different roles on the field, so their gloves differ based on how they are used.An outfielders glove usually has deeper pocket allowing the outfielder to chase down chase fly balls, securing the...
Read MoreWhat to Eat after a Practice/Game; Post Practice/Game Nutrition; Recovering Right By Brittany Saxton After practices and games, athletes are hungry! I find they often go for the quickest, easiest food which means they’re not getting a ton of nutrients. Can you talk about refueling post-practice/game?...
Read MorePrevent Injury with Nutrition By Brittany Saxton Preventing injury is not always top of mind for an athlete or coach and when it is, it’s common to forget how much of a role nutrition plays here. Preventing injury seems and feels like a complicated thing, but it’s not. We...
Read MoreCARBOHYDRATES – WHY THEY ARE ESSENTIAL FOR ATHLETES By Brittany Saxton Carbohydrates (also known as carbs) tend to get a bad rap, but the last thing we want our athletes thinking is that carbs are “bad!” They are frowned upon because they don’t always come in the most nutritious...
Read MoreFueling the Athlete for Improved Performance By Brittany Saxton What coach, parent, or athlete doesn’t want to see the best performance possible out on the field? We all want that, so let’s make sure we are setting our athletes up to perform at their highest potential! In this blog, we...
Read MoreBy Coach Tim Wampler In the past few years, baseball and softball swing mechanics has become scientifically studied. I strongly believe in a Simple Science Approach to hitting! The 6 Simple Step Approach to building a swing is easy to teach, understand and apply for all coaches and hitters at...
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